Founded in 1968 as the Hospital Corporation of America, HCA is currently one of the largest private health systems worldwide with more than 178 hospitals and 119 surgery centers located across 20 states and the United Kingdom. Each of these facilities is locally managed and plays an integral role working with local employers to provide healthcare benefits for employees and their families.
With more than 28 million patient encounters each year, including 8.6 million annual emergency room visits, the HCA sought a way to better engage local employers and give their employees more control over their healthcare, thus encouraging them to make meaningful behavioral changes to lead healthier lives. At the same time, local employers sought a way to better communicate with their employees about their healthcare benefits and reduce overall healthcare costs, improve productivity and reduce absenteeism/presenteeism.
The HCA's North Florida Panhandle network was in need of a solution that would help its healthcare providers improve how they schedule on-site events, register participants and streamline the collection of medical samples; conduct biometric and wellness screenings; digitally distribute and share medical results and coach patients on how to improve their healthcare.
The HCA's North Florida Panhandle Florida network engaged with Green Circle Health as its health and wellness screening solution partner to improve how its medical professionals engage and communicate with client-employees. Using the GCH Platform to create a seamless and efficient workflow, the North Florida HCA was able to eliminate tedious paper-based processes and conduct biometric and wellness screenings more efficiently. The North Florida HCA also utilizes that same platform to share results with patients, further eliminating need for mailing and redundant processes or unnecessary delays. The test results seamlessly flow from the hospital MEDITECH Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform to the GCH Platform in real-time for employee-patients and nurses to review and receive coaching and additional guidance.
Furthermore, the North Florida HCA utilized the GCH platform to communicate and coach clientemployees on how to make meaningful behavioral changes to lead healthier lives. The platform supports clinical aspects of chronic condition management and provides users’ access to qualified medical professionals. Using GCH live services, employees and their families can engage with a team of dedicated clinicians and health partners on their health and enable remote monitoring which improves overall compliance with treatment plans and protocols for better outcomes.
Improved Operational Efficiencies & Enhanced Patient Experience
After deploying the GCH Platform the North Florida HCA team saw improvements in its ability to provide
exceptional service with an efficient, streamlined user experience. With the GCH Platform, HCA
healthcare providers are able to schedule onsite events, collect samples, store and review health
screening results with employees and provide customized wellness and chronic condition management
Thanks to these improved operational efficiencies, the North Florida HCA was able to strengthen its relationships with employee-patients by spending more time with each individual person and developing personalized care programs.
Engaged Employees to Lead Healthier Lives
Thanks to the North Florida HCA's partnership with Green Circle Health, medical practitioners were able
to provide patients with Green Circle Health’s SmartFHR mobile app, which allows employees and their
family members to:
With quick and easy access to these tools, employees and their family members are better equipped to make meaningful behavioral changes to lead healthier lives.
© Green Circle Life