Did holiday spending leave you buried in credit card bills? Do you worry constantly about how you will make to next pay check? Do you worry incessantly about how you'd make it if you lost your job? Do you think you need to buy a house no matter what or are you fine just renting?
A lot of these questions and their answers depend on your current financial situation.
We all are clear in our minds that 'being employed' is key to being independent. We have all done our rounds of odd jobs to meet those unexpected expenses, but have we really sat down and evaluated whether our finances meet our aspirations, ongoing needs, and plans? Are we on the path towards Financial Well-being?
As defined by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - "Financial well-being is a state of being wherein you:
According to popular research conducted by World Bank on Financial literacy, "US ranks only 14 in the world when it comes to financial literacy." Which means that most people do not have the know-how or adequate training to make most of the financial decisions in their life - like saving, making investments, taking loans etc. To gauge the financial literacy quotient, the research by World Bank measured the responses for knowledge of simple interest, interest compounding, inflation and risk diversification. Findings show that "On an average, 55 percent of adults in the major advanced economies - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States - are financially literate." In the United States, Financial Literacy among adults stands at 57%.
Still not convinced? Look at some stats and key findings on financial well-being, according to the National Financial Well-being Survey, conducted in the US,
"The average financial well-being scores for U.S. adults is 54. 70 percent of adults fall below 51 or above 60 (with 13 percent of scores at or below 40 and 14 percent above 70)."
Data Source: National Financial Well-being Survey, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2017
Other interesting findings of the survey were, that the average financial well-being score varied for certain individual characteristics:
Summarizing the findings of the research, there are many opportunities available to improve financial well-being. Incorporating positive attitudes towards spending and saving, adopting long-term planning, and consistent or routing financial management practices that you may educate yourself on are key towards Financial Well-being.
Do these old adages ring a bell?
"Save for a rainy day!"
"Don't let money burn a hole in your pocket!"
"Money doesn't grow on trees!"
Though antique, these very basic principles still ring true in today's world. As you advance your financial literacy and move to seek financial advice, and use the latest apps and tools, make sure you are following these simple tips:
The bottom line is that personal behaviors, knowledge, and skills are the key factors that determine your financial well-being. Throughout our productive years, we need to build safety nets which will help in better managing our finances to cover planned and unexpected events, build our wellness index and take us through our retirement years peacefully.
Data Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The Standard & Poor's Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey.
© Green Circle Life